Life / Can Do

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Posts Tagged ‘writing

The Value of Natural, Unprocessed Writing

with 3 comments

I enjoy reading blogs. There is something profound in getting a glimpse into the thoughts and ideas of people with different backgrounds, cultures and vocations. The content is very different from what you get from professionally edited and packaged articles written by professional writers. It’s like tapping into the collective stream of consciousness.

I still appreciate published writing by professional or even aspiring writers. But a meticulously crafted floral arrangement, is no better or worse than a daisy found blooming on the side of a dirt path in the middle of a forest. That beauty that you find in the wild, unkempt wilderness of thoughts and ideas is what the trained artist is trying to condense, cultivate and arrange for you. An artist is trying to share with you the essence of what they see so  the work is processed and packaged to help you see what they see.

Often you have to trudge through miles of content to find that thought or idea that moves you. When you do find something special, take a moment to appreciate it and let the writer know what you think. It may just be a daisy on the side of a path, but you may be the first and only person who gets to experience that wild beauty in its natural setting.

Written by Tim ThinkAuthor

February 2, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Posted in Art, Life, Thoughts

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